Ewoth Dictionary Enters Crowdfunding Stage At Indiegogo

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ewoth headlineThis is a big moment for Ewoth Dictionary, our crowdfunding page at Indiegogo is NOW LIVE HERE.

After watching the short video and reading the information beneath it, we hope you’ll understand the purpose and significance of the project. Yes, part of the story is giving a small business the chance to be successful…but what happens in the process will have an historic impact on the way people view slang and made-up words. By having a central focus on giving credit to the creators of the words, we’ll be evolving the definition of etymology to include the story of those creators.

Too many years have passed where Ewoth Dictionary should have been running, this project is long overdue. But we no longer have to dwell on that as our day has now come!

Thank you a million times in advance for your support, and Excellent Regards.

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